Navaid Search¶
The navigation aid search view is used to find navigation aids you want to add to the plan. The panel has a list of navigation aids that meet the search criteria. The table will be initially empty.
Use the search criteria to select the navigation aids to be shown in the list. The criteria are:
Navaid ID or partial name. If an Navaid Id matches or the name contains the entered value it will be selected.
Location Near. Enter the position, latitiude and longtitude, you wish and the Airports can be to be selected.
If you enter both a Name and a Location, both criteria must be satisfied for an Navaid to be selected. When you have entered the criteria press the search button or press enter.
Double click on the desired navigation aid to add it to the plan.
Navaid context menu¶
Use the plan context menu to add an navigation aid to the plan and to view and find items of interest.